Functional Nexus Terms & Conditions

Functional Medicine seeks to understand and address the root causes of illness.

Patients will be offered a holistic assessment based on a comprehensive history and analysis of relevant test results. Treatment plans will be formulated primarily using an evidence-based diet and lifestyle-medicine approach. The recommendations will focus on diet and nutrition, physical movement, mental wellbeing, adequate sleep and lifestyle adaptations to improve metabolic functioning, nutritional sufficiency and reduce stress. If appropriate, medical treatments and/or medication (both prescribed and non-prescribed) will be recommended and used to help achieve best health outcomes.

Once a New Patient Package has been committed to and paid for £255 is non refundable should the patient decide that they no longer want to go ahead within 7 days of the appointment. This is to cover the preparation time spent by the FM Doctor.

It is important to understand that less research has been done with the approaches we offer than with conventional approaches. This is why our treatments are offered on an ‘informed consent’ basis only and are an adjunct to NHS care. It is important not to have false hopes as to what might be achieved and that we do not advocate that we can cure your medical complaint.

Testing (including blood, urine, stool and other testing) is an intrinsic part of the diagnostic and screening process and patients will be asked to provide samples where appropriate. Blood samples may be taken by the finger-prick self-testing or outsourced to appropriately trained and accredited healthcare providers.

Where patients would benefit from the expertise of other health professionals they will be signposted or referred on as appropriate.

Your Functional Medicine appointment is not suitable for the treatment of acute medical conditions, medical emergencies or accidents. Patients who are concerned that they may be suffering an acute (non-emergency) medical problem should contact their general practitioner or call the NHS-111 service. In the case of a suspected medical emergency patients should visit the Accident and Emergency department of their nearest hospital or call 999 as appropriate.

If the Functional Medicine doctor determines that there may be an acute or serious medical condition requiring urgent treatment or investigation, the patient will be immediately directed to their own NHS GP for further care. The GP will be contacted (with permission from the patient), to request their input with appropriate urgency.

All patients are required to register with an NHS GP as the clinic will not offer services for acute conditions or cancer screening and will not provide treatment or prescriptions for these beyond good nutritional and lifestyle advice.

Your Functional Medicine doctor will provide a summary of your treatment plan with the clinic to your NHS GP. Prior to this being sent, you will be asked to consent to this letter being forwarded (and to check the enclosed information). Without your consent, we will not forward any information about our consultations to third parties. We can accommodate minor corrections to the GP summaries or other letters if requested.

Where radiological or invasive testing procedures are deemed necessary, the patient will be directed back to their GP to arrange NHS testing or to another appropriate private specialist as they wish.

All possible cancer diagnoses will be flagged to the GP immediately and the patient will be directed to attend for NHS screening and appropriate referral.

As a patient you agree:

  • To give permission for your Functional Medicine Doctor to contact your GP or secondary medical provider regarding any agreed aspects of your case
  • To inform your Functional Medicine Doctor about any previous medical diagnosis received, treatment undertaken, medication taken or prescribed, and herbal medicine or food supplements taken;
  • To contact your Functional Medicine Doctor promptly for clarification if you are unclear about the agreed treatment programme.

Recordings of the consultations with the clinic staff are not permitted for confidentiality reasons.