COVID-19 coronavirus


Dear Friends and Patients,

During this difficult time when the world is struggling to understand and contain the COVID-19 coronavirus, we are closely monitoring the situation and taking proactive steps at the clinic to maintain the health and safety of our patients and staff.

As we are based in a medical centre and would not wish to expose our patients to possible increased risk from infections, we have taken the decision to move all interactions online until we have clarity on the best way forward.

We will still be able to offer our usual clinic services direct to your computer or tablet using video conferencing. Anyone who already has an appointment booked will be contacted to arrange the consultation online. We also welcome any new patient bookings for the online consultation service.

Although blood tests will be performed via our home visit phlebotomy service MSS, many other tests can be shipped directly to you for specimen collection at home, reducing in-person interactions.

We will do our utmost to maintain a high quality service and minimise disruption for patients requiring follow up consultations for results. If you have any queries about the new policy, then please call us to discuss.


We have received many questions at the clinic asking how patients can best protect themselves and their loved ones from the infection. Our understanding is that for the most part this illness will be mild, but that for older and immunocompromised patients the risks are more serious.

Our advice for everyone is to remember that simple changes can make a difference to health and wellbeing (as well as handwashing):

  • Food Matters: Aim for an unprocessed, whole foods diet with plenty of bright colours. Reduce sugar and refined carbohydrates in favour of healthy fats and diverse protein sources including nuts, seeds and oily fish.
  • Sleep Matters: Aim for at least 7-8 hours. Help your brain settle for the night by avoiding screen use or wearing ‘blue-blockers’ for the 2 hours before bed.
  • Connection Matters: One of the joys of modern technology is that we can now keep in touch with friends or family who may not be able to go out due to restrictions on the movements of those at risk or those who may have been infected. Curb loneliness with frequent calls and video chats – think about those around you who might appreciate a little screen to screen time.
  • Relaxation Matters: Keep abreast of the current recommendations but avoid constant worrying over the virus on social media. Do something you enjoy each day and take time to appreciate the many beautiful things which surround us.
  • Nutrition Matters: Do not rely on supplements if you suspect COVID-19, follow the guidance and get medical care. As yet we don’t know how relevant the use of supplements will be for this novel infection. However, supplements shown to be useful for the cold and flu viruses are:
    • Vitamin C can reduce the duration of cold symptoms if you’ve started taking it regularly before falling sick. This seems especially true for athletes and older people.
    • Vitamin D can help prevent upper respiratory infections. People’s spending a lot of time indoors in the winter is tied to seasonal flu through higher viral transmission in closed areas and a lack of sunlight.

Keep washing your hands, reduce contacts and stay well,

All the best

Dr Sarah and the Team

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